Into my brain

I've pondered life, time and time again and it never stops surprising me. Just when you think you know what's going to happen... BAM... a complete one-eighty happens and you back in a different place from where you want to be. I've figured out that when I try and control my life it glances back at me saying, "Na na na na na, you can't catch me." Life isn't about controlling it, it's about living it; rolling with the punches, exploring new frontiers, and being curious. Now I'm not saying that one should go out and try everything. Some things should be left to the unknown. We should stop trying to control our life because it's no fun and frankly it's way too complicated. Just know God knows what's going to happen. He's got His agenda and it never falters. Just think about that next time you try and tell Him what's best for you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

To Do List!

This is a list of thing I want to do over the next year:
  • Serve at a soup kitchen
  • Skinny Dip
  • Go on a Vacation
  • Go on a long road trip
  • Cliff Dive
  • Wakeboard
  • Snowboard
  • Apply for Makeup School
  • Go surfing
  • Sleep under the stars
  • Scuba Dive
  • Go on a Bum Tour
  • Swim in the Great Salt Lake
  • Rock Climb
  • Boulder Climb
  • Take a risk and give my portfolio to a BIG NAME
  • Get a better job
  • Find a better house to live in
  • Exercise more

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Dream Man......

K, so ever since my last boyfriend I have have one failed attempt after another when it comes to boys. I've decided I'm going to start an on going list of what I am looking for. SO.... If any of you know a guy who fits these..... Ha ha ha

  • Able to take me to the Temple, give me blessings, etc.
  • Not controlling but not passive
  • Compromises
  • Able to hold a conversation
  • Likes my dogs and any animal for that matter
  • Understands that mistakes lead to learning
  • Open
  • Makes me laugh, smile, etc.
  • Has the ability to hold me in his arms and make me feel like nothing will ever go wrong
  • Good listener
  • Hard worker
  • Willing to put up with my crazy family! :)
  • Mature but still able to be goofy
  • Laughs at himself - not self demoting!
  • Understands that I am kinda odd
  • Treats me like an equal
  • Understand that sometimes he doesn't need to open every door for me
  • Understand that I'm independent but still would like someone to lean on when needed
  • Makes me feel safe
  • A good shoulder to cry on
  • Willing to try new things, explore, travel, be spontaneous, etc.
  • Takes criticism and willing to give when needed
  • Honest
  • Not demanding
  • Not crude
  • Handles well under pressure
  • Tolerable singer
  • Doesn't matter if I just woke up or am sick, he still thinks I'm beautiful
  • In tune with his emotions but not more emotional than me

Like I said it's a work in progress and I'm hoping a guy like this exists. Because from now on, I'm not settling! I'm done settling for something less than I deserve.