Into my brain

I've pondered life, time and time again and it never stops surprising me. Just when you think you know what's going to happen... BAM... a complete one-eighty happens and you back in a different place from where you want to be. I've figured out that when I try and control my life it glances back at me saying, "Na na na na na, you can't catch me." Life isn't about controlling it, it's about living it; rolling with the punches, exploring new frontiers, and being curious. Now I'm not saying that one should go out and try everything. Some things should be left to the unknown. We should stop trying to control our life because it's no fun and frankly it's way too complicated. Just know God knows what's going to happen. He's got His agenda and it never falters. Just think about that next time you try and tell Him what's best for you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Life Lately

I am terrible at blogging! Awful, 100%!

Anyways, lately I've been have HD Dreams. Like extremely detailed. The thing I don't like about them is that they are totally CHICK FLICKS! Honestly? Really subconscious? I'm already having a hard time when it comes to the relationship topic. Why? I really don't know the real reason. I can honestly say that I am proud of myself for being single for like 5 1/2 months (ya, I know that's not a lot but for me.... that's a long time.) I guess it's probably my frequent lonely Friday & Saturday nights that are getting to me. I swear when I have a boyfriend not only to guys find me attractive but they hit on me and say if only I wasn't in a relationship because they'd take me out. Let me just call BS on every guy that has said that to me or any girl for that matter. Sadly according to the "textbook" definition of the date, since my last break up I have gone on four dates. FOUR! Really? Really male gender? Four? Also in that time I've been led on by not just one but two guys. GA!

It just seems like lately the only guys that find me attractive are ones not in Utah. I feel like Mary (Drew Barrymore's character) in He's Just Not That Into You. I get hit on online. Awesome! Cyber Dudes think I'm sexy! NOT! What am I only good looking when you can't see me? Am I really that intimidating? I've never thought of myself of intimidating or mean so what's going on? O wait I almost... ALMOST... got hit on....... Too bad he's leaving on a mission in about 3 weeks.

Oy, so why is this all bothering me? I really don't know! It's not like I'm looking to get married before I am done with school. Maybe it's because everyone around me is either married or dating or going on countless dates. BLAH! I think tonight it's bugging me because there's an institute dance and guess who is sitting home.... still in her Pj's..... no makeup..... Possibly considering chick flicks and ice cream instead of doing homework?

Sorry, that was a big vent.... I'm really not depressed about it all but it's just been buggin....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! You will make a guy very happy some day. Maybe it's just that he hasn't popped into your life yet. And you definitely don't want to settle for just some random guy that occupies a Fri or Sat night. Be patient! You've got bigger and better things going on right now! Can I say YAY about wig mistress?! Too cool!!!