Into my brain

I've pondered life, time and time again and it never stops surprising me. Just when you think you know what's going to happen... BAM... a complete one-eighty happens and you back in a different place from where you want to be. I've figured out that when I try and control my life it glances back at me saying, "Na na na na na, you can't catch me." Life isn't about controlling it, it's about living it; rolling with the punches, exploring new frontiers, and being curious. Now I'm not saying that one should go out and try everything. Some things should be left to the unknown. We should stop trying to control our life because it's no fun and frankly it's way too complicated. Just know God knows what's going to happen. He's got His agenda and it never falters. Just think about that next time you try and tell Him what's best for you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EC Wanted!

Alright, I've decided that I'm not settling anymore. I'm sick of waiting for guys to want me and then just turn around and try and change me into the girls they want. I want a man that will love me for the way I am. I want commitment to me. So ya... Find any guys like this, let me know...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Good girl!! There is NOTHING wrong with you as you. And any guy that's too stupid to see that doesn't deserve you anyway!